Parenting Tip: Handling stranger danger with relatives
So, inevitably, during social gatherings, you're going to be seeing family, friends, lots of people that your baby is not very familiar with, even if you love that person and trust that person.
So lots of us have babies that love being passed around, around, no problem. But other babies are a little slower to warm and feel a little nervous around new people. And the way that some people react is by handing the baby over and expecting your baby to fight through the tough feelings and just get used to it because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.
But we would want to encourage you to respect your baby's feelings. And maybe you can model to your baby that you trust that person by you hugging that other person, or you touching the scratchy beard on an uncle and letting them know that you're not afraid of it. But ultimately, what we wanna teach our babies is that we want them to trust their gut instincts.