Parenting Tip: Implicit vs explicit memories

We want to talk about the idea of implicit memory and explicit memory. Explicit memories are the things that you can recall as a memory, “I went to Disneyland when I was 12”. “I went to the grocery store yesterday and picked up Cheerios.”

Implicit memories are the memories that happen before you're two, and they're what you don't remember, but they are who make up who you are.

So it's really important to think about this because you may think to yourself, “If the kids aren't remembering anything, why does it even matter what I'm doing? They're not going to remember it anyway.”

But what you're doing when you're creating these positive, loving environments for your babies is you're creating the foundation for security, safety, love, trust, all of those wonderful things so they know that when they have a need in the world, their need will be met.

So even if your baby doesn’t remember the exact memories before they’re two, they will remember how they felt.


Parenting Tip: Avoiding Labels