Parenting Tip: Navigating airport security with a baby
During the Summer, lots of us will be traveling with our little babies, and we have a few tips that will make it easier for you. So first of all, when going through airport security, you wanna put your baby in a soft carrier, something without metal because that way you can walk through the metal detector wearing your baby. And also if it's the kind that has a little top, you can close it down and give the baby some privacy. You can walk through so your baby could possibly be sleeping the whole time.
And then when you're at the airport, you put your bag and all your stuff in the stroller, and then you have your baby on your person, and you have a stroller to carry all your stuff. Once you get to the gate, you can gate check the stroller, and it'll be waiting for you right when you get off the airplane. And you don't need to bring your car seat base or anything like that because your car seat actually works with a seat belt. Happy travels!