Parenting Tip: Look for the glimmers
So everyone knows what a trigger is. It's the car that cuts you off when you're driving and you're kind of in a hurry. Something happens and immediately you're like, “ugh!” You just have this reaction that you can't control.
And in parenting, triggers are those slightly annoying things that feel like a really big deal in the moment. Maybe it's the sippy cup getting thrown off the high chair for the 19th time. But the good news is there's an antidote to triggers. There's a vaccine. We've got it. And it's free.
They're called glimmers. And a glimmer is something that takes you by surprise, by its beauty, by an overwhelming feeling of happiness or joy that it brings you. When you’re driving toward the ocean and come over the hill and see the water. Or when you see, like, a really beautiful flower when on a walk and just can't even keep going, you have to look at it and see all the variations in color and the beautiful leaves.
For us, we also really like that smell of our baby's head. So triggers will come at you no matter what, but make sure to take some time to look for the glimmers. Keep your eye out for the glimmers.